
Because, aviously…

Adam Sandler has a contract with Netflix, and as they get released, they get better and better. It started with the terrible The Ridiculous 6, and then turned into typical Sandler movies with The Do-Over and Sandy Wexler. But as they get better we get Sandler teaming up with Chris Rock for a fantastic comedy.

Long Islander Kenny Lustig (Sandler) is marrying off his daughter (Allison Strong) to the son of Dr. Kirby Cordice (Rock). But hilarity ensues during the week of the wedding, as he quickly offers up his house to anyone that needs a place to stay, plus insisting on paying for everything, despite Dr. Cordice being loaded.

The two-diamond hotel that’s hosting the wedding party is falling apart, with leaking ceilings and a lack of amenities, and a constantly smiling/laughing manager who just can’t get a handle on things.

Meanwhile, Uncle Seymour, who lost his legs to diabetes, gets honored as a WWII veteran, and the story peaks at the trampoline house bachelor party. The scenes of Sandler carrying him around are laugh out loud funny, especially when needing to take him to the bathroom.

But the standout of this movie, surprisingly, is Steve Buschemi. Playing the creepy cousin, Seymour’s son, he steals the attention whenever he is on screen, and makes Adam look somewhat normal.

Don’t laugh too hard. That’s a trigger.

This movie gets an 8 out of 10.

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